OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Incorrect average water level reported in logs Reply To: Incorrect average water level reported in logs



This may be due to the discrepancy between how the ‘Average Water Level’ is computed vs. the specific Water Level used to run a program at the time the program started. While the Water Level is updated once per hour, the ‘Average Water Level’ is computed and updated only once per day. So if the Water Level was 65% when the program started, but then the rest of the day the Water Level remains 200% then the average may still be 200%.

To find out what has happened, you can use the following API to retrieve the Water Level log:
where x.x.x.x is your OpenSprinkler’s device IP, pw= is the md5 hash of your password (the one shown above is the md5 hash of the default password opendoor), hist= gives the number of days (5 means the past 5 days), type= gives the type of data you are requesting (wl means water level). This way you can find out the per-hour update of water level it received.