OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Water level not calculating Reply To: Water level not calculating



okay, so I finally got my DIY OS 2.1 firmware upgraded to 2.1.7 using the instructions from here
but with a minor change. The instructions show to use chip type m644p which didn’t work on my DIY OS, having a look at the chip I saw 644A printed on it so used the m644 option with avrdude and then it could read the chip…
Thankfully I didn’t brick my OS and it booted back up after the upgrade, with factory reset as per the instructions so I started setting up the options again…
I also see the app version is now 1.8.2
The water level recalculations still do not seem to be working but I now also have another issue…

The clock time zone is set to -05:00 and I can’t find a way of setting it to my timezone (+02:00). I tried turning off “Use NTP” and I could set the date and time if wanted but timezone is still disabled.
This has effectively put my OS 7 hours “behind” and my scheduled programs will be off…
The Location in the options is set to my correct location…

Anyone know how I can set the timezone?