OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware My Open Sprinkler has been having trouble connecting lately Reply To: My Open Sprinkler has been having trouble connecting lately



That seems like a really good idea, actually – it doesn’t depend on being able to trace why it is currently failing to connect (which sounds, from Ray’s post, like it could otherwise be a roadblock if they can’t reproduce it). I don’t think there’s any need for the time tolerance to be particularly short. For example, it could be a logic like this:

IF no functioning network connection (unable to sync NTP?) for at least 6 hours
AND currently configured for WiFi connection
AND unit uptime > 24 hours

THEN reboot system

That will mean it only tries the reboot as a last resort – not because the router it is connected to is disconnected from the internet for a while – and even then it would only reboot itself once every 24 hours.