OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(4) Reply To: Announcing OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware 2.1.9(4)



and just to clarify what i was hoping to do….
I was thinking the flow per station was some sort of average. Starting 90secs into it is great. I was going to get that avg flow and the time the station ran and save the avg flow per minute. Doing this for each of my zones. Then in ea of my zones I was going to pop off a head and get new avg. Anytime I saw that difference per station run I was going to shoot off an email to me to check the heads. And the reason I was going for a 1 min avg (maybe will do 2min or 5min) is because station times will vary based on weather adj.