OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler 3.0 AC board always on

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  • #50631


    Hi Ray,
    I’m trying to build up opensprinkler 3.0AC from your schematics on github (link). I used all the components and values written on them except for the resistors RL LT and the capacitor C4 of rtc oscillator (which you said not to mount in another post). The main board seems to work correctly. I’ve also soldered the ac board but replacing bt1308w with mac97 (which are identical except for the package) for semplicity and cost, but I have a problem: all the sprinklers are always on. I’ve checked the pcf8574 and it seems to work. I think that the problem is in the p-mos/triac area but I can’t figure out what could be. In particular I measured 24V between com and every valve output with no load when they should be off (12v with load) and 26v when they should be on. Do you have any idea of what could cause this problem?
    Thanks for the patience.



    If you can post some pictures of your two circuit boards, I can check visually if there are any potential problems.



    Hi Ray,
    here are the photoes that you asked for. I think that the problem may could be in one of the resistors’ value on the ac board (but i followed what was indicated on the schematics, so I don’t know). There are 4 10kohm through hole resistors on the main board because I ran out of the smd version.
    The main board seems to work great. Also the pcf8574 on the AC board works, because it changes its outputs according to the running program.
    Thanks for your help and time,



    I can’t clearly see how the through-hole triacs are soldered onto the SMD pads, but I suspect that’s the source of the problem. You should carefully check the pins of your through-hole MAC97:
    and the pins of the BT1308W SMD triac:
    and make sure that you are soldering corresponding pins. As is I feel maybe some pins are swapped causing the problem.



    Hi Alevog,
    I´m looking for an alternative for BT1308 and found this Thread.
    Could you find the issue on your problem? Where the MAC97 the right Triacs?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler 3.0 AC board always on