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    Hi, now I use a open sprinkler installation on my raspi and use a 4 relay board in order to activate the three 24V valves and the 220v feeding on the feeder (master pump) in order to don’t have the circuit with 220v always active!

    Now I would have the system with 9v valves and use a battery in order to activate it so I can eliminate the 220v-24V AC….

    Which type of valves I need? Latching or non latching? which is the differences? I read that one type need a inverted impulse in order to change state the other no… can you explain me?
    I can use this type with opensprinkler?
    moreover with a 9v battery I can operate 3 valves in sequence? for many time (like 2-3 months)?

    Thanks a lot!



    I have a 9V valves and I’m reading to setup OpenSprinkler with them. In my case, my valve is latching, and I think this is the problem to make compatible with OS software. My valve open circuit with a 9V positive pulse (just one pulse, not continue voltage) and close circuit with a 9V negative pulse (reverse polarity to open).
    When working with pulses, I need to configure the valve with two tasks, one to open and another to close. Connecting a motor driver board to 2 GPIO pins, I can open and close, because the motor driver generates 9V and -9V depending on 2 GPIO pins.

    So, all this talk about latching valve mode, I recommended a not latching valve, but I did not know its existence for 9V operate.



    Thanks, the motor driver board is a good idea!
    But i’m searching something that is aesthetically beautiful… sincerely the raspi with all cables to the relay board isn’t so good for my wife… i’ve seen the OSBee board but no one respond to me in order to buy one (rayshobby and opensprinkler store!) 🙁
    I think that the OSBee is the best choice in order to drive 24v and 9v valves…



    All the details about OSBee are on the product webpage:
    Also you can check our FAQ page for a comparison between our different products:

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