OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Alternative to IFTT Pro


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  • #78465



    I’ve been using for years email notifications when the stations run via IFTT webhook.
    It seems that since recently webhook trigger is usable only with the IFTT paid Pro subscription.
    Before forking out more money for that, is there any other alternative to be notified when stations run? Knowing when station ran and how much water has flown is of fundamental importance to monitor that plants are and stay happy, I am still surprised that OS does not have a native way to send simple emails and has to resort to an external service that inevitably becomes a paid subscription.




    For OSPI I use sendEmail.

    I send each IFTT notification to a text file. Then execute a cron script that periodically emails (all) the text file(s) contents. The script I use can accumulate several IFTT messages into a single email message.

    email setup for opensprinkler
    Install sendemail app
    install libio-socket-ssl-perl and libnet-ssleay-perl

    send email script instruction:
    sendEmail -f “fromaddress” -t “toaddress” -u “Subjectlinei” -m “Mymessage” -s “mysmtpserver”:26 -o tls=no -xu “loginusername” -xp “loginpassword”
    instead of -m use -o message-file=/tmp/file.txt

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Alternative to IFTT Pro