OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App [App Version 1.4.7] Location Issue

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  • #40092

    Emiliano Maina


    just downloaded new Android App release (and cleared cached on desktop browser).

    I found an issue in Location selection: the overaly window has a non ending loop.

    The issue is both on Android App (Android 5.1.1) and Desktop (Chrome 44).




    Thank you for pointing this out. I am able to reproduce this and have already pushed a fix for Chrome and will be pushing a fix for Android ASAP.

    Update: The Android app update has been pushed out as well and should be available within a few hours.


    Emiliano Maina

    Thanks for the really prompt fix !

    Now the blocking issue is solved, but I think there is still a minor one.

    When I access first time to location map I don’t find any WU station (1.png).

    If I close the overlay and then access again I have the WU stations in my area but not the current one selected (2.png).

    The issue is present both on desktop and Android.

    To clearly reproduce the issue on desktop I cleared Chrome browser cache before.



    I found the reason for this and have it fixed but will wait to push the fix since it’s not critical (although I will schedule the update very soon). For now, closing and reopening as you said makes them show or also moving around the map will update the stations correctly.

    Thanks for the report!


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App [App Version 1.4.7] Location Issue