OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Bug: Logging doesn’t run if Sequential is disabled

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    I recently had to switch off sequential to run the sprinklers on our gardens at the same time. . .and that seems to have been working out, but I discovered that logging does not work with the sequential checkbox disabled. I am hoping that is just an oversight. . .logging was one of the main reasons I wanted opensprinkler. . .I have turned sequential on and off several times, at each time it has been the condition that has determined if my test runs got logged.



    OK, I’ve never tested logging when sequential option is disabled. Will take a look at it shortly and see what’s causing the issue. Thanks for reporting.



    I just checked logging in concurrent mode, there doesn’t seem to be any problem, log data is written correctly. To be sure, is your device microcontroller-based OpenSprinkler (with LCD and buttons), or is it a Raspberry Pi-based OpenSprinkler?



    Non-PI. Micro controller version. 2.1s. Been in use just over a month. On 2.0.7 release. Just thought of another variable. All my stations currently connected to the expansion board I ordered at the same time. Maybe the expansion board doesn’t get logged with sequential off.



    Reproducible by anyone?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I tried but can’t reproduce the problem.



    So. Even with all stations on expansion module?



    I also tried and cannot reproduce this. It almost sounds like a power draw problem causing a reset of the device and therefore nothing is written to log? Just thinking out loud…



    Hm, how many valves should I be able to control at once? If seq disabled, device does restart when turning off a station when two are enabled in manual mode…but it doesn’t happen if seq is enabled and run from manual mode.



    I doubt two causes an issue. Is that all that’s open? The amount depends on your power supply which in you case is 750mA which should be fine. Probably not issue just a thought



    @TechFan: good news, I was able to reproduce the problem, so I will be working on it right away. This seems a software problem, because it happens even when valves are not connected. Also, I am pretty sure this has to do with watchdog timer, because it doesn’t seem to have this problem with firmware 2.0.6, and the main reason I can think of (that would cause a restart) is firmware 2.0.7 introduced watchdog timer. Will report soon.



    Sounds great. Let me know how I can assist.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Haven’t found the source of the problem yet, but here are some observations:
    1. if sequential mode is turned off, every time a station is turned off the controller will restart (yes, it’s a pretty serious bug)
    2. the problem only happens when SD card is inserted. so I am pretty sure it has to do with the logging function.
    3. the latest firmware 2.0.8 doesn’t have the issue.
    So basically the issue (restart when a station is turned off) is reproducible by using firmware 2.0.7, with sequential mode turned off, and with sd card inserted. Very strange. I will have to dig a little further to see what’s going on.



    K. Hm. So fixed accidentally in 2.0.8?

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    So this may be the most bizarre problem I’ve ever seen: I pulled a copy of firmware 2.0.7 source code, re-compiled it, and uploaded, and the problem is gone! From the last time 2.0.7 firmware is generated, the only thing I can think of is I upgraded my Linux system, so there is non-zero possibility that this is a compiler bug. Here are my observations:

    1) I can confirm that firmware 2.0.7 we pre-flahsed on all controllers and checked into Github all have the reported issue.
    2) The newly compiled firmware 2.0.7 does NOT have this issue.
    3) The newly compiled 2.0.7 and the original 2.0.7 have exactly the same size (55612 binary code size) but the content is clearly different.

    No. 3 above is quite surprising. In any case, I am not able to debug the issue (unless I can find the avr-gcc version that I used to compile the original 2.0.7). For now the solution is to either upgrade to 2.0.8, or if you want to stick with 2.0.7, I can post the newly compiled 2.0.7.



    K. Strange. Tried upgrading to 2.0.8 last night but had issues with my config not restoring properly. Back to 2.0.7 for today. See all the comments on that string.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Bug: Logging doesn’t run if Sequential is disabled