Hi everyone!
I’m setting up my sprinkler system and I bought a 9V latching valve thinking in a system without access to AC voltage, using a 9v battery and a rfm69 module to get a wireless valve. My idea has faded away, because I need a arduino or similar to manage a rfm module. The consumption for wireless system (arduino, rfm and valve) I think will be raised to a 9V battery. OpenSprinkler will runs in a raspberry pi located in the living room.
My problem, if I just want to manage the valve directly connected with OpenSprinkler, is controlling each state of latching valve. I need to define the opening state with a gpio pin (this is provided yet) but I need to define the closing state with another gpio pin also.
I’m programmer, but I’m not familiarized with OpenSprinkler code.
Can anyone give me a recommendation to get the software compatible with latching valves?
Thanks for reading me.