OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Can't Reset OpenSprinkler

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    I have an openspinkler (with LCD) OS v3.0 that I purchased at the beginning of 2018. It came in a perspex case and not the solid white case available today. I’m trying to reset the unit but am having trouble. I power on holding B1 down and the screen displays

    Factory Reset?

    I then hold down B3 (for several minutes) but nothing happens. The strange thing is it looks like the Yes is consonantly being re-written because there is a strobing effect of the word. In any case does anybody have any ideas?





    Depending on what firmware you have, you may have to do the following:
    instead of holding B1 before powering on, plug in power first, then immediately (while the screen is displaying OpenSprinkler brand name) press B1 and hold it until the screen shows ‘Factor Reset’?
    Same with B3: hold it right after you plug in power instead of before.



    Yes that fixed it. Thanks

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Can't Reset OpenSprinkler