Hi There,
I am looking for a way to to enable/disable an existing program through the HTTP GET commands, without specifying the other variables.
I would like to use the IFTTT service to to enable a program if the forecast for tomorrow is going to be above a certain temperature, and like wise disable it if it below
i have been using to use /cp?pw=xxx&pid=x&v=[flag,days0,days1,[start0,start1,start2,start3],[dur0,dur1,dur2…]]&name=x
but more specifically http://IP:Port/cp?pw=PASSWORD&pid=2&v=%5B1%5D and have tried http://IP:Port/cp?pw=PASSWORD&pid=2&v=%5B1,,] and a few more.
But all combination i have tried writes over the program, changing station time to 0, and program name to “Program 3”.
I want to be able to have a program called HOT DAY, where myself or my wife can make alterations to what stations we want depending on the season via the OpenSprinkler App, then have it enable/disabled via the HTTP GET function.
Are there escape character I should be using as placeholders?
Thanks for your time.