OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Changing station delay DOES get applied to scheduled programs – all good…

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  • #77257


    Thought this was a problem but I was misreading the preview programs display. Since I don’t see a way to delete this I am just putting this note on it. The program is working as I think it should with no issues and adjusts existing program for changed station delays.
    I have version 2.3.3

    Had a station delay of 10 minutes (600 seconds). Set up several zones to run as a program. Then changed station delay to zero but see that the station run times in preview programs is still showing the station delay. I have moved around several screen hoping this would update, even disabled and reenabled the program but it still shows the old delay. Is there a way to get this to update without recreating the whole program? If this is an issue with the controller rather than the app here is more detail.
    Firmware: 2.1.8(1)
    Hardware: OSPi

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Changing station delay DOES get applied to scheduled programs – all good…