OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Connecting OSPi to my personal Personal Weather Station

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    Running Pi2 Unified and have a question for the team about connecting to my PWS. I run a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 personal weather station, connected to an RPi running weewx, an open source program written in Python, and my station is a contributor to wunderground. Is there a method or even any benefits of having my OSPi retrieve data directly from my PWS/weewx over the LAN or do I get the same details using my wu api key, which is set to download from my wu contributor station? Thanks!



    I believe the update frequency with WUnderground is quite aggressive so I would imagine there is little difference unless bandwidth is an issue for you.

    Maybe run some point tests by opening data from both and comparing periodically?



    I have the rapidfire option enabled in weewx, which sends information to wundergroud every 2.5 seconds, so definitely no benefit from that stand point. Not too concerned about bandwidth either. I thought I had read in another post that there were some advantages to getting information directly from the pws, but wasn’t sure what they were referring to, so wanted to double check. Thanks for the quick response!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Connecting OSPi to my personal Personal Weather Station