It is now getting to the point where we’re looking to upgrade some equipment at our golf course. We currently have 22 controllers and a total of ~90 24 VAC valves spread out among them. They are horribly unreliable.
Looking at all the commercially available solutions, I am going to trial an OpenSprinkler controller among a few others. I REALLY like the idea of an OpenSource controller due to my ability to support it into the future without dependence on any one company.
I’m looking for feedback on potential problems before I dive in.
Here’s my plan:
Wireless Mesh, single pair, or powerline based networking (I will trial all three).
The Controller will be mounted in a stainless steel pedestal out in various places on the golf course (heat issues??).
The network will be isolated to only the controllers and will not be accessible to the outside (unless I one day want to).
I only want two things from the project. Reliable execution of a timed schedule, and the ability to set a rain day on all of the controllers remotely (preferably, on all of the controllers at once.)
I’d be interested in the Pi version as well IF it could possibly be more reliable. As an anecdote, I have used every Pi out since the original model B, for various projects, and have had less than desirable reliability across the board. Probably based more on the packages I was using more than anything.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this would be NE US. A HOT summer day is 90 degree’s F and usually only occurs a few weeks out of the year.