Hi, I recently bought a new OpenSprinkler and zone expander. Everything was working fine in my tests until I was ready to install in the final location. Unfortunately while navigating the small room where it goes I dropped it from around 4ft to a wooden floor. I finished installing and when I powered it up there was nothing on the display. However, it is successful in connecting to WiFi and all my zones are being controlled.
I opened it up to see if anything obvious was wrong, nothing seemed broken but I did notice that the display daughter board was not soldered to the main board but rather the pins just went through holes in it. I tried sliding the pins in and out with no success.
Completely my fault that I dropped it, but I wonder if there’s more debugging I can do or whether I can get a replacement display board if the drop broke it.
The display is a “nice to have” and not a make or break thing, but I’d like to have it if possible.