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  • #39661


    I just assembled a DIY kit. IT tested fine. I get an IP address from my router and I am able to log into the web browser. Within 10-45 minutes the unit freezes It continues to run a program if one was running prior to freezing. I have to physically turn the unit off for more than three minutes to get it back up, and the process starts all over again. If I turn it on right away I just get a blank lit LCD screen.

    I have turned off NTP, and assigned a static IP address. Doing that makes the unit freeze faster. Any suggestions?



    Hi, we normally don’t provide support for DIY kits, because the issue may be due to user’s soldering quality. When you say ‘freezing’, do you mean it stops responding to web requests, or it stops responding to button presses?



    It stops responding to everything, both web and button request. The screen stays on, but no text is displayed.



    My suggestion is to use the firmware updater to upgrade the firmware and see if this changes anything.



    It has been on 2.1.5 the whole time. I pulled the sd card out and the freezing stopped. I am now having trouble with the stations not staying on for the time I have scheduled. When I put them in manual mode it stops the program in around 5 mins.



    When it stops, does the time on the LCD look correct? I am thinking one reason for the program to stop earlier than it should might be the clock running too fast.



    The LCD is lit, but not showing anything. I have to turn it off for a few minutes then back on to get it operational.

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