OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Email logs from iphone/ipad app?

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    I have been trying to figure out a good way to get my log files out of the OS (not Pi) without pulling out the SD. . .and I was thinking, many apps allow you to email content from them. . .since the app is already pulling up the whole log, could it be tweaked to allow the logs to be sent attached to an email?

    Of course, if you could access the logs from the built in web page, you could download them from there as well. . .



    I think this is a reasonable option and something I will add to the todo list.


    Update: since we are discussing email I might also add an email option for device backup.

    Update 2: I have added these options and should expect to see them in the next release.



    Awesome! Somehow I missed subscribing to this and missed your response! I guess I should also check if the update was already released.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Got up to date. Nice to be able to export. Any way to export all logs instead of just one week worth?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Btw, missing the red highlighted schedules that help make it clear they are disabled.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    @TechFan wrote:

    Got up to date. Nice to be able to export. Any way to export all logs instead of just one week worth?

    Sure, just select a wider range. It is exporting the range it’s requesting. For OpenSprinkler on Arduino the limit is in the firmware for one week (otherwise will return 404).

    @TechFan wrote:

    Btw, missing the red highlighted schedules that help make it clear they are disabled.

    Where is this not working exactly?



    Ok. So one disadvantage of arduino version. I guess I still have to open to get logs.

    Red was missing. Fixed overnight somehow. Had done reboot. Maybe that was it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    I’ve tried this feature, but I’ve only received an empty e-mail without any attachment.
    What am I missing here?

    Firmware 2.0.7 on OS, with 16gb SD card FAT32 formatted.
    I can see the logs in the app both graphically and as tables.



    For me data as text in body of email.

    Btw, until I save a program, the red highlighting doesn’t show on disabled programs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    @ottorino Sorry to hear about your issue. Which device are you on? Also, the link should open an email composer with the data inside the body of the email. Before sending it, is the body filled out or empty?

    Which firmware and device are you using?




    I’ve placed all the details in my signature. Should it not to be exhaustive, I can add details: just tell me which ones.

    Yes: on pressing the button ‘export’, the e-mail client opens up with an empty message. Only the subject field is filled with text.
    Apparently I have also some other problems (better call them perplexities), but I will report on them when I will have a true keyboard and a more reliable connection.

    No need to be sorry, Samer. I’m only reporting, hoping to help to improve the whole system



    I will have to look into this and get back with you however my main question is this (and of course backup if you are willing to try this):

    If you reset the config, does the export work? I am wondering if this is some sort of data encoding issue in station names?




    I will try this as soon I will get back home.
    I’m waiting for a TP link to permanently connect the controller.

    I am wondering if this is some sort of data encoding issue in station names?

    As far I can remember, I have no particular “weird” characters in it; accented ones I mean. Only ASCII ones, spaces and capitals included.



    Inside the apps side panel (main page) can you export to email (the small icon to the right of the export text)?

    If so this issue is related to the content.



    @salbahra wrote:

    If you reset the config, does the export work? I am wondering if this is some sort of data encoding issue in station names?


    No. Still the same behaviour.

    On restoring the configuration I’ve found ten programms instead than 5.
    I have to check them, but at first inspection it seems that they are my actual ones plus some old ones.
    Is that doubling of programs an expected behaviour?

    UPDATE: they are doubled; two identical copies of 5 programs.
    1=6, 2=7, …., 5=10.

    No. I can’t even find any export on both side panels: may be I did not understand well where to search for it.

    In the meanwhile, I upgraded to version 1.1.7 the web interface.

    UPDATE: from the web interface (ethernet wire connected to my router, iceweasel on Debian wheezy) I cannot export the log at all. On pressing “export” the e-mali client (Evolution) do not even opens up. I will check Iceweasel settings.
    Should I move to 2.0.8 firmware ??



    The restore prior to 1.1.7 didn’t remove the old programs before import. Hence the doubling.

    I will look into the export still.



    @ottorino wrote:

    Apparently I have also some other problems (better call them perplexities), but I will report on them when I will have a true keyboard and a more reliable connection.

    On the mobile app: on entering the log page, appears a graphic, with lines, no areas. If you modify the time window, or the grouping, the graph doubles and appears as seen trough a prism. Almost unreadable

    On the web program: none of the above; and the lines appears not as areas, but as lines.

    I can say areas because for some reason I’ve got a unreal 1091 seconds on a station, dropping to zero in 20 minutes, linearly.

    It was due to some misfunctioning: that station entered in a strange loop; it was running over and over again, but the valves did not open at all.

    To reboot was not sufficient: I had to turn the controller off and wait some minutes to recover.

    This is the main reason for which I would like to see the logs.

    Before you ask, Samer: the logs are not mailable, either if the weird run is included or not.

    I also noticed that on table, only minutes are reported. I have a heavy clayey soil with some slope here and there, i.e. its infiltration rate is very low and dictates very short (about 40 sec) and long-distant-in-time watering periods.

    Are the emailed logs rounded to the nearest minute as well ?



    Okay so, 1.1.7 hopefully address the double graph in Android. This is a problem with Android and the flot library as it has been reported for the flot library.

    For the table view, the time is now shown (1.1.7) in seconds, minutes, hours, days (w/e is needed) so no rounding is done. Also, the app has always emailed exact second runs (no rounding or minutes).

    In regard to your other issues, I honestly don’t get what is happening so if you can I would like to try and troubleshoot while you are on and experiencing the issue. I will send you a private message so we can coordinate such a time.




    Sure I will.
    I already noticed that the web interface has no issues in rounding



    Based on your message to me, the logging to email works fine however the Android client you used didn’t support a body being provided by the app however GMail app worked fine.

    Based on this I am considering this issue resolved.



    Thanks Samer, it was easier than I expected.

    Now I have another question: the data format of the logs.

    They looks like;

    1,1,40,1408579221],[2,2,180,1408579403], [5,0,45,1408582846], … , [3,3,120,1409088721],[99,0,21,1409090274],[99,0,65533,1409090289],[99,1,60,1409301780],[99,4,60,1409301871],[99,3,60,1409302036

    I would like to import them into “R”, but this is not a familiar format to me.

    I can guess that ( between the inner [ ], from the last figure );

    A) the long final figure is the date (which format ? seconds from which date ?);

    B) the number before are the seconds during which the station was on
    (the “65533” is the mistery I would like to solve; it has been happened twice during this month);

    C) the number before is the program which activate the station, being 0 a manual start.

    D) the first number should be the station, but I suppose that the “99” have a special meaning, which I’m missing.

    Are my guesses correct ??



    A) The date (element 4 in the array) is a unixtime (which is seconds from Jan 1, 1970) UTC timestamp.

    B) The third element in the array is the seconds the station has run

    C) The second element in the array is the station ID. If you have 16 stations, for example, then it will show 0 to 15 here (n-1). Also, the rain sensor and rain delay output here as 16 (n) and 17 (n+1) respectively.

    D) The first number is the program number. There are special numbers which are as follows:

    99 and 255: Manual Program
    98 and 254: Run-once Program

    Otherwise they correspond to the program number minus one (n-1).



    I think it’s correct to continue in this topic, the discussion that was started here

    I’m aware of the limitations of OS(notPi) about the week.

    Is it not possible to automatize the mail sending of the log, say weekly or every second day ?



    It is within the firmware. But you can also make a script to run on a server and pull the text files daily off the opensprinkler.



    Yes, it does seem it should be in the firmware. . .in the GUI, it could only run if you logged in and remained connected. Maybe in an app/program (like the OSX version). . .but ideally, it would be great if the OS(!PI) could send emails itself.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Email logs from iphone/ipad app?