OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Fault opensprinkler?

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    I recently received an Opensprinkler 3.0 DC.

    The unit appears to be faulty. I plugged it in for the first time today.

    The screen came on for a brief period and then the text appeared corrupted. I could hear what sounded like a sizzling sound.

    This is the first time I’ve plugged it in. I unplugged it. Now I get nothing when I plug it in.

    I’ve checked the output from the supplied DC adaptor with a multimeter – 7.75V.

    I’ve sent an email to support, but hoping anyone can shed some light.




    Hi pippin88,

    Sounds like your OS might be faulty. Have you looked for any burned components on the board? Sizzling sounds from electronics aren’t generally a good thing. If it’s faulty then contacting support is the right thing to do.




    Ray was very responsive through support.

    After checking a few things (e.g. it wasn’t just the screen), Ray sent me out a new unit.

    I’m pleased to say the new one is installed and working! Only had a chance for a brief play, but I am very happy with how it works.

    I’m mailing the faulty unit back so it can be looked at.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Fault opensprinkler?