In trying to add a flow sensor I think I caused a short which has killed the 5V power supply.
When adding power for the Raspberry PI board directly everything works.
Any chance I can repair the board?
I suspect not as replacing a surface mounted component looks pretty difficult.
You could remove the 5V regulator chip or to avoid soldering just clip the leads at the package. Then power the PI directly and supply 24VAC to the OSPi board. I managed to kill the regulator and desoldered it. I set up the 5V supply to the PI from a UPS so I don’t have SD card corruption issues when the power goes off briefly. Works fine – actually an improvement in some ways.
Thanks for your response. I’ve powered with 5V supply without removing the regulator, although I don’t know if that could cause problems. Removing it as you suggest does make sense. I think it’s neater only having the 24V supply, but suspect it could cause more damage if I try and replace the regulator.