OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler firmware downgrade

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ray.
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  • #39964


    I have the DIY opensprinkler kit( HW vers. 1.0) running firmware 1.8.3. Everything is running just fine, no problems. What I’d like to do is put a copy of firmware 1.4 on a different 328 chip and use that chip in the device. I have several of the chips but do not know if there is a bootloader on the chips. I do have a USBtinyISP that I did use to install fw 1.8.3 when it was first released. So I cannot remember all the details to load a blank chip(suspected blank chip). Can someone help me out with doing that?





    I checked an archived page:
    and looks like the fuse settings for OpenSprinkler 1.0 (using external programmer) should be:
    avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -U lfuse:w:0xe2:m -U hfuse:w:0xd1:m -U efuse:w:0x06:m
    to program a blank mcu, you can use the ISP headers on your OS 1.0. Specifically, carefully remove the existing mcu, insert the new mcu, insert your usbtiny programmer’s header to the ISP header, make sure the strip matches strip. Run the above command to burn the fuse bits. Once it’s burned, you can then upload a new firmware via:
    avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -U flash:w:xxx.hex

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler firmware downgrade