OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Firmware roll back?

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    using 2.1.8 (1) with OSPI. After firmware update I found, that programs runs only for a few minutes. I have set 1 zone 1 hour, 2 zone 1 hour, 5zone 3 hours. I see the logs, first program ran for 8-30mins and stops randomly. Weather adjustment shows more that 100% so it can’t be a reason. Tried to switch weather adjustment to manual – same story. No restart and new setup helps. Looks like it is some bug in software. Manual start up works fine. Trouble with automatic program only.
    How to roll back to previous version? I am not a much familiar with raspberry….. r



    by the way I found a reason of strange behavior. If I switch on rain sensor, unpredictable stops the program.
    Rain sensor normally closed and I am for 100% sure it is works well, tested with electrical tester. My rain sensor has long wire, maybe software has mistakes in code and calculate wrong resistance of line?



    2.1.8 has not changed the way it handles rain sensor, so I don’t see why updating firmware would cause the rain sensor to behave differently.

    You can certainly rollback to an earlier version — this is not a particular Raspberry Pi thing, it’s just a git command:

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Firmware roll back?