OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Firmware upgrade of Rayshobby Raspi 1.2 doesn't work

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  • #62018


    I am an early adopter. I just discovered my board is a “Raspi 1.2” made by Rays Hobby dated 6/2013.

    I try to upgrade firmware 1.9.0 to the latest using the Firmware Update Guide. It appears to work without error, but I am still at version 1.9.0.

    I did this twice with a linux expert at my side. I know I did not issue the wrong commands.

    I thought Rays Hobby and Open Sprinkler were the same people. Is there something about the configuration of the Raspi 1.2 board that is incompatible with the “universal” firmware?



    If you are referring to the Unified OpenSprinkler Firmware: there is no firmware 1.9.0. The latest firmware is 2.1.8. Instructions are here:

    1.9.0 is likely a third-party firmware not written by us.



    Hi, Ray. Thanks for answering. I bought this unit from you on October 24, 2013.

    I looked into it and you are right. I am apparently running the Python port written by Dan_in_CA. I’m not married to it, but it did solve some problem I had with the original firmware back in 2014 or so.

    I am willing to run the Unified firmware, but the instructions at the link you gave didn’t work. I had a kernel-programmer Linux expert looking over my shoulder, and we did it twice.

    Does the unified firmware work with version 1.2 of your board?

    Thanks, Tom



    Can you be more specific what ‘didn’t work’ means? What error messages and so on?



    After following the instructions for upgrading the firmware (twice), I still have the same firmware.

    This version 1.2 board has the firmware on an SD card. Do I have to do anything special in this case?




    Did you look at Section C of the instructions? (Stopping various versions of sprinkler program from running)

    If that doesn’t work, just burn a new Raspbian from scratch and follow the instructions to install firmware.



    I will try it, Ray. Many thanks.




    I have a OSPI 1.4 board on a pi1 and just reloaded it with NOOBs and I can connect it to fine and set the timer for a zone but it never activates? Is this because I used NOOBs and need to load Raspbian not using NOOBs?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Firmware upgrade of Rayshobby Raspi 1.2 doesn't work