OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware fw 2.1.5: 24h problems

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  • #46524

    Thomas Schuett

    this post is the 2nd one, because the other one from yesterday isn´t visible !

    I have 10 programs configured.
    With 4 of them I have a lot of trouble.
    The programs are designed to enable two pumps to be controlled daily reciprocally.

    All of these four has
    – start time (all 9:00 am)
    – no wheather adjustments
    – Interval: 2 + Starting In: 0 (or 1)
    – Restrictions: none
    – one or two stations active
    – additional start times: fixed
    1) enabled 5:00 pm
    2) enabled 1:00 am
    – checkbox for “sequential” for the stations are not checked

    1. The settings for addtional start times are neccessary because of a bug: it´s not possible to program 24h for a station.
    After saving “1d” and refreshing the config, the stored value jumps back to 5h.
    2. The above programs sometimes start, but sometimes not. It´s not possible to figured out the reason for this error (incl. reset all …)
    3. If the programs manual start, the additional settings are not executed

    Are these problems fixed in newer fw versions ?

    Is it possible in the new fw to configure the master stations (1 & 2) with a time schedule (which would solve my problems in any case) ?


    Thomas Schuett

    Update – changed config slightly:
    – running one station: 12h (per program)
    – additional start times: fixed
    1) enabled 9:00 pm

    Result: the additional start time is never executed but is showed in “program view”.

    Any help is appreciated.



    Is it possible for you to upgrade to firmware 2.1.7 (the current) and try again? From firmware 2.1.5 to 2.1.7 there have been many changes. One of them is that in firmware 2.1.5, if program water time is long and additional start time starts before the previous program run has finished, the additional start time will be ignored. You didn’t show how long your program is set to run to I couldn’t tell that information. Firmware 2.1.7 has improved this by queuing additional start times, so even if additional start time is encountered before a program is done, it will still be queued and executed after the previous run is finished.


    Thomas Schuett

    because of my hardware (rev. 2.1), upgrade to 2.1.7 isn´t possible (avrdude error).

    error 1:

    You didn’t show how long your program is set to run to I couldn’t tell that information

    the prog is starting at 9:00 am – (only) one station ist running 12h
    additional start time is set to 9:00 pm – so the same station is (should) running again 12h
    –> the additional start time is never starting !

    error 2:
    cannot store 24h for a station in a prog (so I used the workaround with 2x 12h !).
    The max input & correct stored running time is 16h (17h = Sunrise to Sunset, 19h = 0:47, 20h = 1:47h …).



    1. Did you check the Program Preview and see if the 9pm start time shows up there? The other thing to try is to set the start time to 9:01pm just to avoid the situation where the first run lasted slightly longer than 9pm.

    2. The longest water time is 16 hours. You cannot set 24 hours in one run. You will have to break it down to two 12 hour runs.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware fw 2.1.5: 24h problems