OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Help to troubleshoot possible PCB damage

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ray.
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  • #47414


    Hi, I have recently soldered a 40-pin Pi block on the OSPi board but realised I need the space inside the enclosure and then de-soldered it again. I believe I may have damaged the PCB. I need help to troubleshoot the problem.

    After the de-solder, when I powered on the OSPi, it booted all fine, but ALL the stations were showing 24VAC. The web interface shown all of them to be OFF.

    I rebooted via the web interface and it did not come up, until I removed power and put it back again. It then booted fine, but now all the stations are showing 8VAC and switching the stations makes no difference at all, they stay on 8VAC.

    Please guide me to check for possible damage to the board / possible next steps.. Not sure if i should open a support ticket or just wait for the forum response on this one..

    Thanks, Francois.



    Well this is really hard to tell. You can start by measuring the conductivity of each pin on the pin out to the existing 2×20 female pin header on OSPi — the pins are laid out in the same order so it should be easy to find correspondence. Because OSPi only uses the first 2×8 pins, so it suffices to just check the first 2×8 pins.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Help to troubleshoot possible PCB damage