OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) How do I connect the RF transmitter?

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    Yes. The transmitter works from the RFToy using the codes that I recorded with it.

    I input these codes as names into stations. I have tried both low number stations and high number stations.

    I connect the the transmitter’s data to GPIO18, set RF Data to 18 in Defines, save,  recompile and reboot . Fail.

    Repeat the above except move the data connection to GPIO15, setting rf data in defines to 15. Fail, with an added buzz from the relay.

    Updated the firmware from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4, retested. Fail.

    Move the transmitter back to the RFToy and it still works.



    Well the only possibility I can think of is perhaps the timing is a bit skewed. What version of RPi are you using? RPi 2 or RPi 1?

    I am a bit surprised that RFToy cannot detect the signal sent from RPi — even if the timing is a bit skewed, it should still be able to pick it up. To make sure I am on the same page: assume the transmitter is connected to pin 15, when you send a signal, do you hear the relay noise? I understand that it made a noise when your RF transmitter is not connected to that pin, my question is when the transmitter is connected to pin 15, does the relay make the noise? This is a indication that the controller is actually sending signals out. If not, that means the controller does not recognize the code and is not sending the signal out.

    If it is indeed sending signal out, ideally RFtoy should be able to pick up that signal and shows the decoded hex code. You can compare it with the original code and find out how much the timing (last four bytes of the hex code) differ.



    Hi Ray,

    quick question: does the RFToy works as well with the Dan-in-CA python library (SIP)? and ¯is it following this same instructions (if not: any clue, doc or link on how to implement RF transmission using the SIP library? or does rfToy only works with the Unified Firmware?

    Many thanks for any help!!




    I don’t know. I don’t think SIP works with RF station. But since both firmwares are open-source, it should be possible to integrate the RF transmission code from OpenSprinkler firmware code to SIP.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) How do I connect the RF transmitter?