OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software IFTTT need information

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  • #60817


    I would like to find a way to get the flow status threw IFTTT… but it seems that it’s not working like it suppose to be in your user manual… It would be really useful if you could update the information step by step so we could know how to use it again. The information I found on this forum are not useful considering it doesn’t match with IFTTT interface.

    Thank you for your help and for your update on this subject..



    Have you taken a look at the OpenSprinkler user manual:
    page 11, IFTTT notifications?

    It would be helpful if you can describe what specifically is not working, like which part does not match the IFTTT interface? IFTTT changes frequently so we can’t possibly update the user manual every time they make a change, but the fundamental idea remains the same so it shouldn’t be too difficult to adapt to their new interfaces.



    I captured an image of what I got after looking for Webhook in IFTTT like it says in the manual… but I can not figure out which one I should use….

    Obtain IFTTT Key: go to, sign up for an account. At the top click ‘Search’ to find Webhook, then follow instructions to create aWebhook service. Click on the gears icon on the top-right of Webhook to view your key. Copy this key to OpenSprinkler’s IFTTT key setting.



    Ok… I think I got the IFTTT Applet done… I put some images of my setting on the IFTTT…
    now I need to know if it works… I tried to run a program but it seems that the rain delay stay ON even if I turned it OFF…
    I put some pictures so you can check it out for me…



    I just found that I just had to click on the bottom of the screen to disable the rain delay…. I’m learning…
    Now I did set a program to run to check if I would receive an email from IFTTT… but nothing so far…
    I put some more pictures of my setting so you can may be figure out where is the problemm
    -I did put the Key from the Applet…
    -Set all the notification at ON on my Opensprinkler…
    -Set the Applet program… to send me notification by email
    -Run a program on my Open sprinkler…

    I received no notification from IFTTT



    Just to keep an Update… I got it work… emails were sent in my undesirable box… ??? So the last thing thing I need to figure how to get the notifications in my reception box….

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OpenSprinkler Forums Third-Party Software IFTTT need information