OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Import Configuration from Android phone using Internal never seems to work

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    I’ve found the OpenSprinkler Android app easy to use and functional.  The only feature that I’ve never gotten to work yet is the Import Configuration from Internal storage.  Importing from email seems to work for me, but not from internal storage.  I have two OS hw v2.1 devices.  I exported both OS device settings to the phone before upgrading the firmware.  Unfortunately, I exported some bad settings for “one” of them while trying to import.  This seemed to also carry over for the second OS device so there might only really be one OS that can be backed up on the phone.  These backups didn’t seem to be in an accessible place that could be browsed to on the mobile device to try and recover from the bad settings.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Import Configuration from Android phone using Internal never seems to work