OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Info on Mobile App for customization

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    Hey, I had a look at the git repo for the mobile app and have a few questions regarding customizing it. Im not that familiar with phone gap so I have a few questions.

    • Is the www folder basically a website that you could stick on a aphache host and run as a service like
    • When running the grunt build command, this generates all the app specific versions from the www folder and then you could upload the compiled apps to the respective vendors ( e.g. google play store, apple store.. )
    • Is there any way to spoof an open sprinkler (IP..) for testing with the mobile app without having a opensprinkler? I’ve ordered one but still waiting

    I’m busy playing around with it so will have some more questions later on.

    P.s. congrats on the new site! Looks amazing.



    *Couldn’t edit my previous post..

    • Also what is the purpose of index.html? is it meant to redirect to index.htm because nothing happens when viewing Sprinklers/www/




    Thank you for the feedback! Answering your questions regarding the mobile app, yes it is essentially a website with a few caveats.

    The automatic device detection only works when the app knows the IP of the device the browser is being run on. In PhoneGap, I accomplish this with compiled code for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. On the desktop, this isn’t possible. Another issue when using the browser is an inability to bypass CORS and you will run into issues using it directly from a browser.

    The grunt build command doesn’t make all the apps. I use PhoneGap Build for some of the apps but overall yes, it helps me package the apps for distribution.

    The best way to test is to use OSPi. Just install the software somewhere and use port 8080 to connect to it. The app is essentially the same with the OSPi.

    Lastly, I will look into user’s being able to edit posts as this seems to be a recurring issue.




    I suppose I never answered the index.htm/html issue. Some users seem to prefer loading the UI of the SD card and because the firmware is limited to 8.3 filename support I cannot use .html. To accommodate PhoneGap though, I use a symlink to mirror the file to .html (required for PhoneGap).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Info on Mobile App for customization