OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Is OpenSprinkler too dumb?

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  • #44360


    Hi, what with the recent cyber attacks launched from malware-corrupted empedded controllers, I was wondering how safe our OpenSprinkler controllers are, and how to check if mine is infected.

    Reference article (not technical):




    It’s very unlikely that your OpenSprinkler is infected: the IoT devices that are infected are generally based on some kind of real-time operating system, and these attacks leverage security holes in the real-time operating systems. OpenSprinkler is based on a microcontroller and does not use any real-time operating system. Its firmware can only be changed through USB, so there is no way for these attacks to modify its firmware and become bots.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Is OpenSprinkler too dumb?