OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Location & GPIO on new app

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    Just upgraded my app to 1.4.10 and noticed two things:

    The first is my location is set to 11. Tottori-ken. When I try to remove it from Edit Options/System/Location and set my address the 11. Tottor-ken comes right back. I tried a real address, just a zip code and clicking on the map. Not sure if I’m missing something or not.

    Secondly, I don’t have any GPIO relays set up, so not sure if that is why, but when I click on edit a station, my GPIO option is grayed out.
    app 10.4.10
    firmware 2.1.6(1)
    Hardware: OSPi – AC



    Hey Richpuch, on the second point, the GPIO Station stuff (and an extension to the Zimmerman algorithm) is currently disabled in the App as it needs a Firmware update to work safely with the arduino based OpenSprinkler. This will be activated once Ray has a chance to check over some of my code and include in Firmware. If you really need to enable this on OSPi now then you can git clone the latest Firmware, increment the OS_FW_MINOR number in defines.h from 1 to 2 and rebuild the Firmware. But please make a backup of your settings before you attempt this 8) Cheers, Pete



    Thanks Peter…I was hoping that was the case…somewhere I thought I read that Ray had it included in the current firmware and I was doing something wrong. Thanks for clarifying that, I can wait for Ray to include it in the next release. It’s a “nice to have” feature.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Location & GPIO on new app