OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Log not logging and zimmermann weight issues

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  • #42836


    Hello, I am a very happy owner of an Opensprinkler unit bought on Rayshobby.
    Hardware is 2.3 AC, firmware is 2.1.6.

    I have two recurring issues, which I am unable to fix in spite of several updates:

    – logging works very seldom and is generally unreliable (the optionis enabled but the data isn’t there!)

    – zimmermann weights don’t allow a change, when you close the window and reopen it again the weights are 100-100-100

    Any help?

    Thanks a lot!




    – Check the LCD screen to see if the microSD icon is shown. If not, I suggest that you take out the microSD card and re-insert it to make sure it sits reliably in the socket. For an example of the microSD icon, go to the user manual:
    page 4.

    – This could be related to microSD card issue since the weights need to be stored on the microSD card.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Log not logging and zimmermann weight issues