Using OS 3.0 on 2.1.7(2)
All works great and am extremely happy with the control.
When I view the logs it shows the average water % from the previous day even tho the unit was set to run at midnight the current day. This is best seen when the previous day’s run was 100% and the next day was 125% it will show in the log that the previous day was run with 125%
Only a small issue.
Also would it be possible to show in the preview the upcoming program as default and not last run program. I find I have to select the next day to see the program that is yet to run as it default shows me the last run program.
Screen shot attached shows the issue.
Disregarding the last 6 runs (had a stuck pop up and was fixing it)
1st run is set for 15mins while the remaining 5 for 30mins.
Had a small amount of rain prior to the programs starting so it dropped the % down to 78% (can be seen on prior day and also by looking at the actually run time of each station) yet the top states the % was at 126%