OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile or wireless laptop access when there is no network

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    I need a sprinkler system for an off grid nursery which has 12v power via solar but no wireless network or other technology.
    Is there a way to connect to the new wireless OpenSprinkler 3.0 via the mobile app or from a laptop with a wireless connection without adding a router next to the OpenSprinkler?



    No, you cannot directly access from Laptop to OpenSprinkler, you need Router AP.
    You can using WiFi thetering with your smartphone, then connect OpenSprinkler to your smartphone, then access it with OpenSprinkler App from your smartphone.
    or Conect your Laptop to your smartphone if you want to access it with your laptop.

    Btw, if you want to build a sprinkler system by your self, you can try to build ESPrinkler ( )
    It have SoftAP Mode, so you can access it from your laptop without Router AP.
    I Have built ESPrinkler, but i’am not using it anymore, right now i use a modified OSBee.

    Best Regrads,



    Thanks for the info Teguh. I’m looking to go as off the shelf and little tech support as possible so I’ll probably end up putting a router next to it. Should be pretty secure and reliable.



    Yes, the easiest way is to just get a cheap router (you can also choose to hide the SSID so it’s not discoverable by other devices).

    Technically if you can modify the firmware, it’s completely possible to change the firmware so that it works in AP mode too — in other words, all functionality can be supported when OpenSprinkler is in AP mode, hence itself can be a ‘router’ that your phone connects to. However, the firmware currently only supports WiFi configuration when the device in AP mode, and doesn’t expose any other functionality in the AP mode — but enabling these is a fairly simple firmware change.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Mobile or wireless laptop access when there is no network