Just updated to 2.2.0(1) on my OS 2.3 DC and happily setup monthly watering percentages. But even though I set January for 10%, the watering percentage still displays at 100%. Thoughts?
Also, is the firmware still able to pull weather data for my location from Dark Sky even though they’ve been sucked into Apple and the app discontinued?
Also also, when doing a firmware update on the Mac, every MacOS version from Mojave on has the USB serial driver already installed, and manually installing another driver to do the same thing is not a great idea. (And yes, they show up as “call up” devices — cuXXXX — these days.) Also also also, since I assume most savvy people install avrdude with “brew install avrdude” the Mac example command line for “avrdude” doesn’t need the “./” at the start, nor the -C to an (unneeded, unexplained) config file.
— Ward