OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Monthly Watering Percentage Always 100%?

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    Just updated to 2.2.0(1) on my OS 2.3 DC and happily setup monthly watering percentages. But even though I set January for 10%, the watering percentage still displays at 100%. Thoughts?

    Also, is the firmware still able to pull weather data for my location from Dark Sky even though they’ve been sucked into Apple and the app discontinued?

    Also also, when doing a firmware update on the Mac, every MacOS version from Mojave on has the USB serial driver already installed, and manually installing another driver to do the same thing is not a great idea. (And yes, they show up as “call up” devices — cuXXXX — these days.) Also also also, since I assume most savvy people install avrdude with “brew install avrdude” the Mac example command line for “avrdude” doesn’t need the “./” at the start, nor the -C to an (unneeded, unexplained) config file.


    — Ward



    About monthly watering: please submit a support ticket with your configurations attached so we can check. We’ve internally tested it and it should be working, but maybe your monthly percentage values weren’t saved correctly.

    About weather service provider: DarkSky has become Apple Weatherkit. We’ve been working on integrating Apple Weatherkit. At the same time, we’ve also been working on using AccuWeather, and also we have a contributor who implemented using So we have plenty of backup options once DarkSky is offline.

    About usb serial: well, each version of OSX seems to change something and it’s always a headache to prepare the documentation to cover all possible OSX versions. I apologize for the confusion.



    Thanks Ray. I’ll try and put together a ticket in the next few days.

    I don’t think each version of OSX changes something, the driver situation has been stable for maybe 4 years now and as many OS releases — it’s just that embedded engineers don’t generally usually use Macs. (Speaking as a retired embedded engineer!)

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Monthly Watering Percentage Always 100%?