OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware My goal using the rain barrel when it has water left

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  • #42550


    Can anyone guide me on how I can manage a rain barrel as a water source for a 3 zone drip irregation system.

    Here is what I plan to do:
    1) use pump start zone to activate a water pump to pull water out of barrel and pump it into the irregation manifold when there is water left in the barrel. I think I may need to integrate another sensor.

    2) phase 2 , fill up the rain barrel when there is no rain and its empty

    thanks for any ideas



    Sounds like you need an input to OpenSprinkler in order to tell if you run out of water to stop watering.
    I think you can use rain sensor input of OS for this idea to avoid modifications of the OS software.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware My goal using the rain barrel when it has water left