OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware No log entries after 2.2.1 firmware update from 2.1.0

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    Overall all is well.  The sprinklers are coming on at the correct time and WUnderground forecasts are clearly changing the watering time.

    However, since the firmware upgrade to 2.1.1 I have no log entries.  I tried erasing the existing log entries and they will not erase.  If it matters, I have an SD card installed.  The SD card does not really seem necessary but I had an old Class 4 card laying around that was so slow that it brought my Raspberry Pi media server to its knees.  This seemed like a good use.  Perhaps I need erase the SD card?  How should I proceed to get the log working again?

    P.S. Unrelated topic: I tested the Web interface on Windows 10 Prerelease.  I did not expect there to be a problem and none were found.



    Sorry to hear about the logging issue. We added a logging option in 2.1.1 and I suspect the backup you restored after upgrading caused the enable logging flag to get unchecked. I will add a check to prevent this when importing older configs but in the mean time you should be able to turn it on in the edit options page.

    By the way, thanks for testing windows 10!



    You are correct.  The logging radio button had become unchecked.  Once check, I was able to delete the existing log.  It was desirable to delete the existing log since it had many 1 minute ‘test’ entries.  I will confirm logging and logging format over the rest of the week.

    The city I live in had instituted some fairly draconian water restrictions.  I am watering at exactly the maximum.  If challenged by some fine hungry bureaucrat, I would like to be able to prove that I am in compliance.



    I noticed the same thing, the logging button was unchecked after 2.1.1. What I found interesting was using the IPhone app I was able to check the button, then update, but when I went back to the same screen it wasn’t checked. I had to use the web interface to make the check “stick”. Maybe a bug?



    I discovered the same problem when I installed 2.1.3 ….. it took a while to find that the log option hadn’t been restored in the import.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware No log entries after 2.2.1 firmware update from 2.1.0