OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions On board relay for independent use (other than as master)


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  • #40703

    Derek Teague

    Can the on-board relay be assigned to 1 of the 8 outputs independently (eg. assign to output 8 and only activated when output 8 is on) ?
    I do not want to use it as a master controlled by the other 7 outputs (eg. 8 controlled by 1-7)
    I dont see an option for this in open sprinkler app.

    As I want to use the relay to drive another relay for lighting use.



    It is odd that the on-board relay is not more supported by the firmware. I have already registered a feature request in this topic:
    Anyway I modified my OSPI firmware and now I can control the relay output as a standalone station output.



    The relay feature has been retired since early this year. It’s partly because very few users are actually using this feature, and those who do can use an external 24VAC relay instead. A while back I wrote a blog post about using 24VAC relay with OpenSprinkler:

    In addition, for controlling powerline devices, you can use the RF station feature in conjunction with off-the-shelf RF remote power sockets, which are easier and safer to work with than relays.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions On board relay for independent use (other than as master)