OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Option to log to LAN rather than microSD

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    I’m actually making an assumption here that the logging feature requires a MicroSD card be installed?  I assume that because “logging” in the web UI seems to do nothing, but I can’t find any info anywhere.

    Given that assumption, I’d like to request an option to send log data to a server on the LAN.  To me, anyway, that would be handy.

    Just a thought.

    Could someone confirm if that is what the MicroSD is for?



    Yes, you are correct about the microSD card being required for logging. We ship all orders now with a microSD installed. Previous orders, however, did not ship with a SD cards pre-installed.

    For logging out to a server, do you have a standard that you would like us to support?




    Guess I ordered a wee bit too soon 🙂   Well, no I didn’t because I got a great price with the DIY right before that got, understandably, discontinued.

    I’m sure I can find a MicroSD somewhere.


    I’m glad you’re open to the idea of supporting external logs!


    I’m heading out for the weekend, but let me give it some thought and put together a proposal.  There are various options for external logging.  I have a question though… how much (in terms of kilo/Megabytes) would a day’s worth of logging be, on the high-end?



    Probably the best low-cost way to get a microSD card is to order from Amazon.



    I would suggest standard syslog.



    I was trying not to suggest syslog 🙂

    While certainly a standard… gawd its aweful.

    I was exploring cloud based services, since OS seems to play in that space already. offers a free Lite account, which is why I was asking about data size above.



    True it’s from the stone age but it’s standards based and it works, it all depends on what you want to do once you have the data. Do you want to process it or do you want it preprocessed. Preprocessed data get’s complicated as everyone has their own flavour, standards based raw data can be processed afterwards to any format you need, the trick is in most cases you need to do it yourself.



    Just jumping in on this… I recently updated my OS 2.0 to the latest firmware and just noticed this issue this morning as I was trying to see how my first watering since the upgrade went.

    I was previously on the original firmware and was using Samer’s PHP-based web app hosted on a local server, so logging and such were easily handled. But now I’m seeing that logging will require a microSD card, can I confirm that the 2.0 hardware will support one before I take the OS out of the enclosure and open it up? Are there any considerations with type or size of card?

    I do wish that the card was easily accessible without removing the cover. But since it’s not, I just want to be sure before I open it up.

    PS – I just spotted this post by Ray, how can I confirm if I have one of the early 2.0 versions or not? I really don’t want to have to remove the cover frequently. 🙂



    The pre-release 2.0 uses a clear cover enclosure, and the official 2.0 uses the injection molded enclosure (white color).



    I also would like to vote for syslog. It’s an easy standard to manipulate and I would love to be able to send alerts based off a log entry showing events.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Option to log to LAN rather than microSD