OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App OS access behind double-Natterd connection (no public IP)

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    I always successfully accessed OS from outside the LAN by opening a port on a public IP DSL connection + dyndns.

    I have now only the option to sit behind a double natted LTE connection. All my other IoT devices have their own clouds and don’t care to open ports.
    What options do I have with OS, or OpenGarage for that matter, is there any way to access them without having a public IP and opening ports?
    I am aware of some software solutions to get around this problem that run also on Raspberry, but I have the standard OS, what can I do?



    To add to it, sure I have a small PC with Teamviewer running in the LAN and I can use it to log into the OS webpage, but it’s not nearly as practical as using the OS Android App…



    If you have access to both gateways, one solution is to set port forwarding on both. For example, if OpenSprinkler is connected to router 1, which is connected to router 2, you can set port forwarding on both router 1 and 2.



    There is no access to both gateways, the almost totality of LTE providers don’t give you a public IP, they do the first level of nat. Starlink does also the same, in all these cases the IP that you see in sites like is not a public IP and you cannot update a dyndns service with it.
    My old slow DSL that I used for years has been discontinued by the provider because of bad old phone lines that they deemed too expansive to replace. They proposed a FWA that is also natted as Starlink and LTE modems.
    I am sure I am not the only one with this problem, do you have any plan to provide some cloud access, even if for a fee? It’s a huge limitation otherwise, only option is to remotely access a LAN PC/raspberry via VNC/TeamViewer/Anydesk/etc and log from there.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App OS access behind double-Natterd connection (no public IP)