OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSP1 V1.44 Pinout drawing

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    I have somehow damaged my OSPi board and have now destroyed 1 Pi Zero W, 1 Pi Model 3 and 2 usb wifi dongles.

    Powering up with no Pi connected, the power LED comes on and I have 5 volts between VCC (just above orange socket) and ground.

    Can someone point me to a drawing or image of the with voltage I should expect at different points around the OSPi board?

    The Raspberry Pi’s are rather expensive in Australia so I would like to do some testing before I “smoke test” another Pi.

    I apologise if it is something obvious but my Google Fu is not up to the task.




    When in double, please always go to:
    scroll down to ‘OpenSprinkler Pi’ section and check the OpenSprinkler Pi user manual. It contains information about voltage testing, and pin diagrams.

    5V on VCC-GND is WRONG: VCC should be 3.3V, not 5V. OSPi does not generate VCC voltage — it’s coming from your RPi. It’s likely you may have misaligned RPi with OSPi when you plugged it in. I’ve seen a previous case where a customer toasted two RPis before realizing he misaligned RPi with OSPi when plugging it in.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSP1 V1.44 Pinout drawing