So I’ve been having some problems with my OSPi. I’ve been running it for several years, but began having issues a couple of days ago. I’ve been trying to sort out what’s going on, but it’s all a bit strange.
First, my config is the OSPi 1.4 board running old version 2.0.3 software on a RPi 2. I could update the software, but can’t see any reason to do so since everything has been working for years.
So I’ve just run through some electrical tests – turning stations on and off and checking the board output with a multimeter. I’ve got three active stations – stations 1, 4, and 5. I turned each on in sequence and checked all 8 outputs.
Station 1 – Turns on stations 1, 2 and 3
Station 4 – Turns on station 6
Station 5 – Also turns on station 6
In each case, all of the other stations are off.
Not sure how to proceed. I can perform the same tests on the other (inactive) stations just to see more of a pattern. Or I can do something else???
I’m hoping someone who’s more familiar with the board can consider whether this would be a possible board failure mode…or if I’m just losing my mind.
Any help greatly appreciated.