OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPI : Program not running

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  • #45616


    There seems to be some configuration that will not allow Programs to run. I eventually reinstalled everything and it appears to be working now, the biggest change I made were the following:

    Weather Adjustment Method:
    Auto Rain Delay -> Zimmerman

    Prior to this the Water Level % was 0, now it is 74% (have no clue what this actually means).

    Also, I did not see the red line signifying the current time in my previous where as I do now. Could it have been a bad initial install?



    It is possible, not very likely but possible.
    The adjustment will water for 74% of the time you set for the zone. It is an adjustment based on temp, humidity, and recent precipitation. If you find the argument to be off you are able to modify how much each parameter effects the adjustment in the app.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPI : Program not running