OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPi V1.5.2: Change from 24VAC to 6VDC

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  • #78712


    According several notes and forum publishings, it seams to be possible to change the Triac MAS97 with a N-MOSFET like AO3400.
    According this informations I did created a little schematic based on the ones form OSPI v1.5.2 and Zone Extender 2.1 VDC.
    There are still some questions about missing parts between those schematics.

    Original 24VDC / Original 24VAC: (Based on attached PNG)
    R1 = 1K / R1 = 330Ω
    R2 = 2.2Ω/1W / R2 = Missing
    R3 = 100KΩ / R3 = Missing
    R4 = Missing / R4 = 47Ω
    C1 = Missing / C1 = 0.01µ

    Which one of this parts are required and what value should they have.
    The 6VDC ports each will drive 1 small pump 6VDC, <= 600mA, 3.6W

    Thank you for your feedback.



    In the attached picture I wrote 12VDC instead of 6VDC!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) OSPi V1.5.2: Change from 24VAC to 6VDC