OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions program starts but never stops

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    i created a program running every day at 10 pm for 3 minutes. When the time is 10 pm the watering starts. But at 10:03 the open sprinkler time goes to 10 pm again resulting watering never stops. Please help because i ‘m confused!!!



    my sprinkler is OpenSprinkler v2.1u (semi-assembled DIY)



    Seems to be an RTC related issue. Can you check to see if yours has a DS1307 RTC (small, 8-pin) or DS3231 (large, 16 pin)?



    it’s a ds3231 ! You saying that the ds3231 chip maybe defective?



    A little while back there was a similar case where the time resets back every minute. I suspect this is because the RTC has a problem starting its internal oscillator. I need to investigate if this is a chip problem or software (the code was written for DS1307 but the same code should also work for DS3231). Anyways, you can send an email to [email protected]. If you have s hot air gun, we will send you a new DS3231 chip so you can replace it yourself; if not, you can send your kit back to us and we will get it replaced for you. Sorry about the issue.



    so you think that ds3231 is defective? i tried to make a firmware upgrade using arduino IDE 1.05 (mac os) just in case, but I’m getting the following error:

    avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
    avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
    avrdude: error: usbasp_transmit: usb_control_msg(DeviceRequestTO): unknown error

    i have used the instructions from the site and as a programmer “USBasp”.



    It’s likely, because the symptom does match a previous case where the DS3231 RTC has to be replaced. It might also have to do with the PCB layout. Most DIY kits are made with DS1307. There was a small batch where DS3231 was adopted (to evaluate if it’s a better alternative). We built several example boards and they all worked well, so I assumed it’s all fine. A support email has been replied to you. Sorry again about the issue.

    The warning and error you saw are all normal. These have to do with the behavior of the USBasp bootloader upon reset. You can ignore these messages.



    Thanks. I appreciate your fast replies. I have send you mail!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions program starts but never stops