OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Programs don't run — firmware 2.0.6

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  • #36290


    First, I’d love to be able to upgrade the firmware, but I can’t get my OS to be recognized by any Linux or Windows computer in bootloader mode.

    But I can’t get any programs to run with firmware 2.0.6 either.

    I’ve created a program for each station (see picture attached).  I used the same start time for each station, expecting it to run them sequentially (as indicated in the video tutorial).  I don’t know what stop time is for; it seems redundant given start time and duration, so I gave it two hours past the start time (since it wouldn’t let me save a program without setting sometime past start).

    When I go to “Preview Programs”, I never can find a date where a station runs, despite all of them being Mon-Sun and all programs are enabled.

    What am I doing wrong?



    Firmware prior to 2.1.0 required an interval time greater than 0 to actually schedule the program. Also, the end time is for programs that repeat, this defines an absolute end time that the program cannot be scheduled to run after. If you don’t want the program to repeat, put a very high interval (23 hours).

    Once the firmware is updated the program scheduling becomes a lot clearer.

    Thanks for the understanding and hopefully Ray can help with the firmware update issue.



    Wow, thanks for the quick reply, Samer!

    Hopefully I can upgrade, but at least now my garden will be watered tomorrow — I put the Interval to >12hrs (and have a two hour end time).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Programs don't run — firmware 2.0.6