OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) RASPi hangs after a while

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    I have a new install of a model A and the open sprinkler pi on google calendar.
    Without running the python script, device on for days no problem. When I run the script, it becomes unresponsive after a period of minutes.
    I can make the valves come on and off manually, and with gcal. Just cant get it to stay up for longer than 15 minutes for some reason.
    This is a fully assembled received about one week ago laste May 2013. Opensprinkler version was the current version as of May 30 2013.
    I also notice that terminal window must be open to run gcal. When I close the window, valves stop working with the gcal.
    I only see the lockup when I run at startup automatically at boot. This could be a clue.

    Any ideas?
    Thanks. Fun tool.



    If the controller works with ospi_manual and selftest, then I am pretty sure it’s not a hardware problem, but rather a software problem. Since the google calendar program requires persistent Internet connection, you may want to check if that could be the cause of the problem.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) RASPi hangs after a while