OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App remote access from app

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    I have set up port forwarding etc. on my router, and remote access is working well from a browser. Can the android app be set to work remotely too?
    I am using the standard opensprinkler (AC, not pi), with latest firmware. Nursery with 40 ststions working great!
    Thanks, L



    Yes it should work fine. When accessing remotely, you need to put in the external IP in the app, just like how you would access it remotely through a browser.



    Hi I would like to use my DNS address when using the native iOS app remotely and my OS direct IP when at home. Is there a way to achieve this? I can’t find any config settings for this and the mobile app seems to only take an IP address. I do have my router port forwarded so I can use a browser. thanks



    OK, disregard, found it!

    The difference between site management and the advanced edit options.

    It would still be good to have dynamic connection configs e.g. IP:Port for local and DDNS:Port for remote, with auto detect (try local first)

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App remote access from app