I have an OpenSprinkler 3.0 and want to extend it to control zones that get water from a different supply.
I read about remote zones and that sounds ideal – I could use a second OS controller and so long as they’re both on the same network the first controller could control zones on the second controller using remote zones. However I want the second controller to have its own flow meter and master valve.
In that configuration, will turning on a remote zone on the second controller trigger the master valve on the second controller as well, assuming it’s configured as a master valve for the remote zone on the second controller?
Secondly, will logs I query with the API on the second controller reflect the flow rates on the second controller’s flow meter? I assume the answer is yes but would like confirmation. It would be even better if the first controller logged the flow rates from the second controller’s flow meter, but I fear that’s too much to ask for!